Humidity affects human health a lot. When the humidity is as high as 90%, people will have an increased risk of joint disease, cough, asthma, headache and a number of other chronic diseases that cause discomfort and fatigue.

Too much humidity is also a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and molds. Therefore, in addition to affecting human health, high humidity also affects electronic items and furniture in the house.

How to control humidity?

Temperature – humidity monitoring solution  is not only used in food – agricultural product warehouses, but can also be used for a number of industries such as:  Monitoring temperature – humidity of fabric storage warehouses in the textile industry, Monitoring temperature – humidity of company server room or Server room,  Monitoring temperature – humidity of RD room,  Monitoring temperature – humidity of production room,…

Working principle:
– In each “storage” will be installed the number of wireless temperature sensors,  humidity sensors suitable for the storage area. At the same time, at each power supply point for equipment in the warehouse, there will be trouble notification devices installed. When the temperature and humidity in the warehouse changes, it will be collected by the sensor. And send data to the central controller. The central controller is responsible for checking and processing signals.

– If the temperature and humidity in the warehouse exceed the threshold specified in the settings. Then the fault notification devices will work (usually lights or sirens). At the same time, the central controller will send notifications to  phones, tablets for technical staff to handle and operate.
– Although the probability of detecting a problem of environmental monitoring solution may not reach 100%. But from the collected data. The system will issue warnings to help us check to determine the actual status in the warehouse. This is the very advantage of the sensor system compared to the ability to work with humans.

Features of temperature and humidity monitoring solution:
+ Visual monitoring real-time data.
+ Automatically collect temperature and humidity parameters from wireless sensors.
+ Display current parameters, historical graphs and analysis reports on mobile devices and on platforms Web-browser, App.
+ Instantly send alarms/alarms when there is a problem or abnormal event, the condition of the environment exceeds the set threshold via SMS, App,…
+ Email reports by Excel of temperature and humidity parameters according to a predefined schedule.

Salient features:
+ Quick installation and integration, visual monitoring.
+ Save on system installation costs by using wireless sensor technology.
+ User support and clear authorization.
+ Easy upgrade and expansion, unlimited number of sensor devices to be measured.