ISO 14644-1:2015 and ISO 14644-2:2015
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a global alliance of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing international standards is usually done through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject on which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on it. International, governmental and non-governmental organisations, affiliated with ISO, are also involved in the work. ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrical engineering standards.
ISO 14644 supports improved management of airborne pollutants. The series of standards of ISO 14644, two standards have been updated in 2015 to cope with the development of the latest technologies and meet market needs, respectively, distinguished as ISO 14644-1 :2015 and ISO 14644-2:2015.
What is ISO 14644-1 cleanroom standard?
ISO 14644-1 is one of the most used standards in pharmaceutical and electronics for the control of air cleanliness in the workplaces of these professions. The essence of ISO 14644-1 is to specify the cleanliness of the air in terms of the number of particles expressed as a concentration in the air volume.
The cleanroom standard ISO 14644-1:2015 specifies a standard test method for the determination of cleanliness, including selection of a sampling site. The ISO 209 Technical Committee worked for more than five years to introduce amendments to the air cleanliness classification, (14644-1:2015 and 14644-2:2015). The amendments include the following:
– Simplifies the classification process and eliminates the need to evaluate the 95% confidence limit (UCL) for low number of sample locations (currently required for 2/9 cleanroom locations – ISO) 14644-1:1999) is no longer valid for ISO 14644-1:2015.
– Review the classification procedure and make it more appropriate for cleanroom operations. For example, contamination is not expected but evenly distributed. Avoid any fundamental change to the guidelines of current ISO Classes.
– In the clean room standard ISO 14644-1:2015, the calculation of the number of sample positions is no longer necessary, for rooms smaller than 1000 m2 use a table for comparison, and rooms with an area of more than 1000m2 are used. use formula.